This Tutorial Series is divided into 3 Parts.

  1. Introduction and Project Setup
  2. MVVM concept and coding
  3. Simple Unit Testing

This is the last part of the tutorial series for “Basic MVVM in Android Kotlin using Prepopulated Database and Room w/ Unit Testing”. Today we will do a Simple Unit Testing base on our Parcel Tracker App but first what is Unit Testing and why it is important? Unit testing is a type of software testing where individual units(could be a method, class or components) of an application or software are tested to make sure the logic is working properly and correct. It is important because it helps you to find and fix errors or bugs that usually happen when you update or change something in your code and it could also help to improve the quality of your code.

androidTest vs. test

If you start or create an android project, you probably notice these two extra folders in your directory which is androidTest and test. These folders are used for Android Testing. The main difference between these two is the test directory is use for Local Unit Testing that can just run using JVM(Java Virtual Machine) without the need to reference anything from the UI or Android Lifecycle while androidTest is used for Instrumented Tests which usually for testing your UI or functions that needed to run on a device emulator. Since test don’t need to run and build on a device emulator, test units are much faster to execute than androidTest.

test – Local Unit Test

Let’s start by adding the dependency we need on our app gradle file.

//Truth Assertion
testImplementation ""

//Arch Core - InstantTaskExecutorRule
testImplementation 'android.arch.core:core-testing:1.1.1'
//Mockito framework
testImplementation  'org.mockito:mockito-core:2.19.0'

Truth - is a library for performing assertions in tests that much more clear and readable than the JUnit assertion methods.
Arch Core - helper for other arch dependencies, including JUnit test rules that can be used with LiveData.
Mockito – a mocking framework used for unit testing.

Testing our View Model

Open the ParcelTrackerViewModel class and just right click to its name>click generate>test

blog1 screen make vmtest
Choose JUnit4 as testing library and create it under test directory.

blog1 create vmtest

Since our Parcel Tracker App is very simple we just have few methods to test. Let’s try our first simple test which is testing “if tracking number is not a negative value”.

Back to our code, we should annotate our test class with @RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner::class)

class ParcelTrackerViewModelTest {....}

Then let us define ParelTrackerViewModel in our class.

private lateinit var viewModel: ParcelTrackerViewModel

Since we won’t be running it from a device emulator, we can’t also use the actual database from it so we need to create a Mock for repository and observer

lateinit var repo: ParcelTrackerRepository

lateinit var observer: Observer<List<ParcelEntity>>

Initialize it on our setup method with @Before annotation.

fun setUp() {
    viewModel = ParcelTrackerViewModel(repo)

We also need to define a rule so that our LiveData can run during our test.

val rule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()

Finally we can create our test function: “if tracking number is not a negative value”.

fun `test if track num is not a negative value`() {

Here we try to put “1” in the “viewmodel.setTrackingNum()”which is a positive value. Then we use Truth assertion method with “isGreaterThan()” that checks if the value is greater than the other, it reads like “1 is greater than 0”.
Run our app and it should pass our test.

blog1 negativeTest

You can also try to put a negative value and see if it will fail the test.

For our next test we will test or rather “verify if we got result from a correct tracking number”

fun `verify if we got result from a correct track num`() {
    val expectedNum = 4321
    val trackNum = 4321

    val fakeResult = listOf(
        ParcelEntity(3, 3333, "pick-up", 3, "Philippines")
    val fakeResponse = MutableLiveData<List<ParcelEntity>>()
    fakeResponse.value = fakeResult

    Mockito.`when`(repo.getParcelStatusByTrackingNum(expectedNum)).then {


What happens here is that we first create a fake response by mocking the “getParcelStatusByTrackingNum()” method of the repo with an expected value of “4321” as tracking number. Remember that when we input a tracking number to the view model, this value is observed and call the method from our repository class to be used. So for testing our tracking number value should be also “4321” in order to pass the test, let’s try to run and check.

blog1 verifytest


class ParcelTrackerViewModelTest {

    //We need this to test our LiveData observers
    val rule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()

    private lateinit var viewModel: ParcelTrackerViewModel

    lateinit var repo: ParcelTrackerRepository

    lateinit var observer: Observer<List<ParcelEntity>>

    fun setUp() {
        viewModel = ParcelTrackerViewModel(repo)

    fun `test if track num is not a negative value`() {

    fun `verify if we got result from a correct track num`() {
        val expectedNum = 4321
        val trackNum = 4321

        val fakeResult = listOf(
            ParcelEntity(3, 3333, "pick-up", 3, "Philippines")
        val fakeResponse = MutableLiveData<List<ParcelEntity>>()
        fakeResponse.value = fakeResult

        Mockito.`when`(repo.getParcelStatusByTrackingNum(expectedNum)).then {


androidTest – Instrumented Test

Normally espresso is already part of the dependency in our app gradle when we create an android project, but let’s check and also add the Truth library for anroidTestImplementation in the dependency.

androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.3.0'
// Truth Assertion
testImplementation ""
androidTestImplementation ""

Espresso is a framework used for UI testing or automated testing.

Testing our MainActivity

Same as what we did in our Local Unit Test, Open the MainActivity class and right click to its name>click generate>test but choose the directory with androidTest

Before we start coding let’s plan first our sample test cases for the MainActivity, we will test if:

  • textResult is not empty if the input was correct
  • textResult is empty if input is wrong
  • view model tracking number accepts integer input

Let’s add an annotation on our MainActivityTest class for testing.

class MainActivityTest {....}

We will also make an activity rule and initialize the view model in the setup function

var activityRule: ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity>
        = ActivityScenarioRule(

private lateinit var viewModel: ParcelTrackerViewModel

fun setUp() {
    activityRule.scenario.onActivity { activity ->
        viewModel = activity.viewModel

Now we can start making our test functions base on our test cases.

test case 1: textResult is not empty if the input was correct

fun textResultIsNotEmptyIfCorrectInput()
        .perform(typeText("3333"), closeSoftKeyboard())


test case 2: textResult is empty if input is wrong

fun textResultIsEmptyIfWrongInput()


test case 3: view model tracking number accepts integer input

fun viewModelTackNumAcceptsIntegerInput()
    val input = "1234"
        .perform(typeText(input), closeSoftKeyboard())


In these examples we show how Espresso automate actions from our MainActivity. Run our tests and you could see it running on your device emulator depending how fast to execute each action will be.

blog1 mainActPassed


class MainActivityTest {

    var activityRule: ActivityScenarioRule<MainActivity>
            = ActivityScenarioRule(

    private lateinit var viewModel: ParcelTrackerViewModel

    fun setUp() {
        activityRule.scenario.onActivity { activity ->
            viewModel = activity.viewModel

    fun textResultIsNotEmptyIfCorrectInput()
            .perform(typeText("3333"), closeSoftKeyboard())


    fun textResultIsEmptyIfWrongInput()


    fun viewModelTackNumAcceptsIntegerInput()
        val input = "1234"
            .perform(typeText(input), closeSoftKeyboard())



In this tutorial we have learn the difference between test and androidTest folders in Android Development. We did some testing with the help of testing framework such as Mockito and Espresso and learn some basic use of it. This is the github link for this tutorial series: Parcel Tracker App - Github

I have been thinking also to make another version for this tutorial using Dagger which is a Dependency Injection framework, let me know in the comment section if you have suggestions about it.

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